Initial Civil Aviation Security Course
The main purpose of this course is to enable security personnel to implement preventive
security measures to protect civil aviation against unlawful acts.
Checkpoint Security Course
The main purpose of this course is to train and specialize the security personnel
about screening techniques - including pat down search- and conventional x-ray devices.
Besides, all x-ray operators are trained so as to correctly identify suspicious
and prohibited items and be able to take appropriate measures.
Initial Cargo Security Course
The main purpose of this course make the security personnel understand the significance
of aviation security and train them to take standart security measures to protect
civil aviation against unlawful acts.
Air Cargo Screening Security Course
The main purpose of this course is to train and specialize the security personnel
about screening techniques - including pat down search- and conventional x-ray devices.
Besides, all x-ray operators are trained so as to correctly identify suspicious
and prohibited items and be able to take appropriate measures.
Aircraft Private Security Services And Supervision
The main purpose of this course is to make the security personnel understand the
principles of civil aviation security measures and enable them to take and implement
appropriate these measures.
Within the above-mentioned courses, our security personnel is trained in numerous
subjects, some of these subjects are; Security Awareness, Airport Security, Screening
of personnel, passengers, check-in and carry-on baggage, Airlines Operations Security,
Hold Baggage and Cargo Security, Approach to potentially risky passengers, Catering
Security, Cleaning Security, Cargo/Mail Security, Vehicle Driver Security, Screening
of Air Cargo, Dangerous Goods, Passenger Interview and Travel Documents, Communication
and Body Language.
Facility Security Trainings
In our commercial security scope, modular training classes are designed including
titles mentioned below. We compose tailor made training packages and achieve basic,
refreshment, on the job and field trainings as result of the needs and expectations,
threat and risk evaluation of our customers.